The power of many

IntraFi is the nation’s largest deposit network, connecting thousands of financial institutions. Our solutions provide seamless access to large-dollar deposit and liquidity management services, enabling institutions to strengthen customer relationships, reduce risk and increase balance sheet flexibility. A trusted partner for 20+ years and chosen by 3,000 banks, IntraFi is the inventor and leading provider of reciprocal deposit solutions and overnight wholesale funding solutions.  

Large dollar deposit and liquidity management

IntraFi deposit solutions — ICS and CDARS —  can help institutions attract large-dollar relationships, improve their liquidity coverage ratios, sell deposits for fee income or reduce collateralization. 

ICS and CDARS enable financial institutions to offer millions in FDIC insurance to safety-conscious customers through IntraFi network banks. Customers work directly with one bank, enhancing relationships and opening the door to more cross-selling opportunities. Institutions enjoy the highest per-depositor and per-bank capacity, and the peace of mind of being able to make large-dollar placements every business day. 

Balance sheet flexibility

Keep deposits on balance sheet — or move excess funds off-balance sheet — earning noninterest fee income. Switch between options as liquidity needs change. 

Expand funding options

The network brings scale, giving each participant access to tens of billions of dollars in wholesale funding. Through IntraFi’s services, banks can purchase cost-effective wholesale funding — deposits, not borrowings — without the hassle of credit lines or collateralization. Banks can tap a diverse set of funding sources with a broad range of terms. 

One of the nation’s largest providers of funding solutions, IntraFi provides services that the nation’s smallest and largest banks use for their funding needs — and hundreds of billions of dollars in funding is available through its services. 

Chris Ely, Managing Director 
[email protected] 
Chuck McBrayer, Managing Director 
[email protected] 



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