Strategizing on CRA best practices

The CRA CollaborativeTM peer group brings together the top minds in banking

You asked for it; you got it — a peer group dedicated to the Community Reinvestment Act!

CRA Partners has provided banks with opportunities to earn CRA credit by caring for local senior citizens for more than 20 years. This means we have frequent and regular contact with CRA professionals across the country. 

As CRA modernization began to take shape, we encountered many questions and concerns about what the new rule would mean for banks and what changes we must be prepared for as modifications are fine-tuned. 

We surveyed our colleagues and asked them what was on their minds in this environment, including whether they thought collaborating with their peers on CRA topics would benefit them. The overwhelming majority said yes. Thus, The CRA CollaborativeTM was born. 

The CRA Collaborative is a peer group for CRA professionals. We will hold quarterly online meetings so that colleagues can work together to share their expertise and knowledge and learn new skills and best practices from one another while optimizing their CRA strategy. 

“Particularly with modernization on the horizon, The CRA Collaborative will help bankers be prepared for inevitable change,” stated CRA Partners President & CEO David Lenoir. 

David Lenoir, President & CEO
[email protected] 

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