Is your boardroom open to risk?

Cyberattacks are more common — and costly — than ever. Fortunately, an engaged board of directors and digital board portals provide an easy, effective solution.

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Cyberattacks have targeted banks ever since the internet went mainstream. Despite efforts to curb these threats, the cyber criminals always seem to be a step ahead. In 2023: 

  • Data breaches involving U.S. financial services companies may have affected more than 65 million Americans. 
  • The financial industry suffered more data breaches in 2023 than any other industry.
  • 64% of financial institutions said they saw an increase in application attacks in 2023.

The reputation damages these breaches heap upon institutions only adds to long-term damage.

Fortunately, there’s an easy answer. OnBoard’s best-in-class security capabilities ensure bank boards benefit from enterprise-grade security architecture. It’s built on Microsoft Azure, which offers the industry’s most advanced security protections from the ground up.

The platform provides a single source of truth that enables banks to avoid using bulky, inefficient paper or PDFs and insecure emails to approve loans and conduct other bank business.

For over 15 years, OnBoard has worked with banks to create solutions that solve their challenges. It’s the only board portal the Texas Bankers Association endorses. 

Your board can ensure your information is in the right hands at the right time. Unlike other SaaS-based board solutions, OnBoard ensures you have full control over your data and who can access it.  

Contact OnBoard and ask about our services, pricing, plans or scheduling a demo. 

Sean Larking, Board Solution Consultant
[email protected]

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