Retirement plan fiduciary oversight

At Pentegra, we’ve built our reputation on delivering and supporting banks with successful retirement plans for eight decades.

Pentegra is a leading provider of retirement plan administration and fiduciary outsourcing solutions to banks nationwide. As one of America’s oldest independent fiduciaries, community banks enjoy the confidence that comes from uncompromised and objective oversight. 

Pentegra serves as your plan’s trusted fiduciary governance partner, delivering comprehensive retirement plan fiduciary oversight so that you can feel confident that your plan is compliant and well-run.

  • Administrative relief. Save time and reduce your responsibilities.
  • Optimal plan oversight. Continual proactive monitoring by fiduciary experts.
  • Risk Mitigation. Enjoy the peace of mind of having a professional fiduciary on board.

Discover how our fiduciary capabilities go above and beyond. 

Ken Jackson
[email protected]

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