Message from the President

Chris Furlow

Chris Furlow
TBA President & CEO

Impact through action

To see reform and accountability, we must elect representatives who will fight the politicization of our industry to ensure a fair, safe and sound banking system.

Hope is not a strategy

What we do NOW, as a united industry, will help us to elect pro-business candidates who understand the importance of the banking industry to our Texas economy, small businesses, jobs and families.

Celebrating community all-stars

When you think of Hall of Fame caliber athletes, you see that they share several defining traits such as leadership, discipline and commitment to excellence.

Full court press

The TBA lawsuit asks the court to vacate the CRA Final Rules, and as of press time, we are seeking a preliminary injunction, pausing the new rules while the court decides the merits of our case.

2024: The fight must continue

Basic safety and soundness should be the priority, rather than new and expanded compliance programs.

What’s good for the goose

CFPB demands that regulated entities follow its rules, but the Bureau regularly exceeds its authority and won’t follow the law as set by Congress.

TBA action leads to 1071 injunction victory!

On July 31, U.S. District Court Judge Randy Crane granted the Texas Bankers Association, Rio Bank of McAllen and the American Bankers Association members an injunction order that blocks the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from further implanting

More than symbolic

We have argued that CFPB has acted unconstitutionally and has defied current law under the Administrative Procedures Act. But CFPB’s Section 1071 Final Rule also defied common sense.

What mean these stones

The new TBA headquarter’s prime location across from the Governor’s Mansion and Capitol of Texas will project the strength of Texas banks and enable the association to effectively advocate for our members and their customers.

People make the difference

At the heart of what makes Texas banks special is our people who make a difference in the bank and in the community.

Texas banks: A reason for optimism

Many economists are predicting recession in 2023. But in Texas, there is reason for optimism and bankers are a big reason for it.

A year for fighting back

2022 can be remembered as a year for fighting back against a particular Federal regulatory agency that believes it is above the law.

Crunch time

While the donations to PAC are impressive, they won’t matter if bankers don’t deliver numbers at the ballot box.

Larger than ourselves

There are times when something larger than ourselves happens that shakes up our world, reminds us of what is truly important and moves us to action.

Halfway there

With unobstructed views of the Governor’s Mansion and State Capitol, the new TBA building offers prime lease space that will generate non-member, non-dues revenue to support member activity for years to come.

From Odesa to Odessa

Events taking place half-way around the world in places like Kyiv and Odesa, Ukraine do have an impact in communities important to us — like Odessa, TX.

At what point?

The CFPB 1071 proposal represents another layer of regulation and is a driver of consolidation.

Texas banks: We’ve got your back

As the final days of this year approach, the challenges banks faced have actually presented opportunities to further demonstrate to customers that Texas banks have their backs.

Preparing for 2022 can’t wait

2022 Congressional mid-terms will be here before we know it and the importance of banker engagement will be more crucial than ever.

Regulatory vigilance for neo-banks

In the second quarter of this year, Varo raised $62 million while losing $104 million. Don’t take my word for it, look at Varo’s filings.

Blurring the lines

It is hard to be online or watch television today without encountering ads for a technology app that purports to meet all of a customer’s “banking” needs.

It’s great to see you!

Summertime is TBA Texas Tour time and it is great to be back out on the road. Warm smiles, hearty handshakes and hugs have replaced the canceled events and confinements of masks and Zoom calls that were hallmarks of 2020 and COVID-19.

The PPP hangover

PPP hangover and headaches for banks could last for months – or possibly years – ahead unless reasonable regulatory remedies can be applied.

May issue dedicated to Olivia Carmichael Solis

On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff of the Texas Bankers Association, we proudly dedicate this May 2021 issue of Texas Banking to our dear friend and colleague Olivia Carmichael Solis.

Texas Bankers Foundation Awards ad