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The new rules for Beneficial Ownership in 2024

Many banks continue to anticipate the release of the third and final rule which will arguably contain the biggest changes for impacted institutions under the CTA.

AI – The benefits and challenges for financial institutions

Already introduced in more than 29 states, this new Article seeks to govern certain transfers of Controllable Electronic Records (CERs).

UCC Article 12 – Coming to a state near you?

Already introduced in more than 29 states, this new Article seeks to govern certain transfers of Controllable Electronic Records (CERs).

Section 1071 Final Rule: What you need to know

The Final Rule caps a more than 10-year wait from the enactment of the original statute that prescribed these requirements in the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act.

Keep it long enough, it will come back in fashion

Sellers, builders, lenders or a combination of all three put-up money to cover the difference in interest rate payments between the original mortgage rate and the reduced mortgage rate.

Climate change and climate risk management for banks

It is important that financial institutions stay abreast of the hot button area of climate change and climate risk.

Cryptocurrency: safe or ‘sus?’

Cryptocurrency and the threat of cybersecurity is likely here to stay and regulators are preparing for those implications.

SWOT-ing at the crisscrossing crypto crackdown

Using the tried-and-true SWOT analysis, banks can establish a baseline to evaluate the impact the crisscrossing crypto crackdown will have on their internal and external environment.

Cybersecurity Incident Rule – a household good

Banks will need to update their response plan communication guidelines to document how, when, to whom and by whom notice of a “notification incident” would be provided.

Computer-Security Incident Notification final rule: What you need to know

Banks will need to update their response plan communication guidelines to document how, when, to whom and by whom notice of a “notification incident” would be provided.

FinCEN seeks comments on changes to beneficial ownership reporting

The availability of beneficial owner information to financial institutions with customer due diligence obligations would be practical and useful.

OCC releases proposal to rescind CRA final rule

Banks that changed type based on the asset threshold adjustments in the June 2020 Rule are subject to different performance standards for activities conducted on or after October 1, 2020.

The reform and modernization of BSA/AML

With technology changing and growing at what seems like the speed of light, banking laws and regulations can struggle to keep up.

The OCC reconsiders going it alone on CRA

On July 20, 2021, the OCC announced it will propose to rescind the agency’s May 2020 final rule overhauling the CRA, signaling the OCC’s intention to collaborate with the Fed and the FDIC on a separate joint rulemaking.

The black and white of TRID timing

There are so many ways to violate TRID. Mastering the content requirements (knowing what to put where) is a difficult task for even the most seasoned compliance professional and is the source of numerous violations.

Mortgage borrowers amidst the pandemic 2021 and onward

Banks should be prepared for a larger regulatory emphasis on COVID-19 protections and fair lending practices.

Regulators release new flood insurance Q&As

The financial regulatory agencies (OCC, Fed, FDIC, FCA and NCUA) have recently proposed revisions to the Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Flood Insurance.

The pandemic and continuing supervisory guidelines

Through these difficult times, financial institutions created and revised policies and procedures to adjust and continue to provide excellent service to customers.

What banks need to know when providing financial services to hemp-related businesses

The production of industrial hemp is a fast-growing industry, especially since the passing of the 2018 Hemp Bill, which clarified from a federal perspective that the cultivation of hemp is legal and no longer restricted to pilot programs for research

What are the implications of the NDAA?

The NDAA includes more than 200 pages of significant reforms to the Bank Secrecy Act and other anti-money laundering laws putting forth the most comprehensive set of BSA/AML reforms since the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001.

AML/BSA reform is on the horizon

When Congress pushed through the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2021, the banking industry was hopeful for the potential elimination of excessive regulatory burdens under the Bank Secrecy Act.

2021: An odyssey away from LIBOR

More than three decades later, after determining that LIBOR was vulnerable to interest rate manipulation, it was announced that the benchmark rate would be discontinued beginning Dec. 31, 2021.

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